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New Patients at Alliston Chiropractic Wellness Centre

Welcome to Alliston Chiropractic Wellness Centre. Our fabulous healthcare team includes:

    • Kent Newton, Chiropractor and Acupuncturist
    • Melissa Cowl, Office Manager
    • Kim Douglas, Chiropractic Health Assistant

Health History

Prior to your arrival, you will receive a form by regarding your health history. It is important to fill this out prior to your first visit. Both Dr. Kent and Nicole have their own required forms. The information is only shared between practitioners in relevant cases and with your permission.

Consent Forms

We require your written consent before doing any treatment. Should you have any questions about this, please ask Dr. Kent.

Your Second Visit

Your second visit with Dr. Kent will build on the first. We encourage you to ask questions that will give you the necessary foundation to make decisions about your healthcare and give you the opportunity to choose the best pathway for your care. Truly, knowledge is power!

Often, when you start care, we see you twice a week for a few weeks to help your body quickly adapt to the new pathways we are creating. This is just for now and not forever. Your care is always up to you.

You will soon notice that we have a busy family practice. We see newborns to seniors and everyone in between. Feel free to talk to people in the wait area or ask us any questions you have about chiropractic care. We have seen remarkable things happen in this office! See what others have to say!

Progress Exams

We’ll perform a re-examination at regular intervals to assess your progress and reevaluate your care plan. Any at-home exercises appropriate for your condition will be discussed. We’ll make sure you’re happy with your care and we will help you achieve the highest levels of health. Contact our office today to start!



New Patients at Alliston Chiropractic Wellness Centre | (705) 435-6371